University of Rochester

Environmental Health & Safety
Occupational Safety Unit
Safety in Laboratories

Do you work in a lab?

Many of our research personnel have advanced degrees in the biological sciences and are experts in their research field / test methods.  However, many of the researchers may not be aware of the physical and health hazards of the chemicals.  For example:

The Occupational Safety (OS) Unit recommends researchers review the precautions for the safe handling of chemicals and physical hazards posted at   Additional safety precautions can be found on Environmental Health & Safety’s website at   Read them, discuss them with your lab mates, bookmark them and implement the recommendations listed.  If you implement these practices and those listed in the University’s Chemical Hygiene Program,, your lab should be in good shape.  Don’t forget the required annual training for lab personnel at

Occupational Safety’s Laboratory Inspection Program is another way to ensure a high level of safety in labs.  By looking at the physical conditions in a lab and checking the training lab personnel receive, especially new staff members, a higher level of safety can be maintained in your lab.  It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions about the safe handling of chemicals.

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S Questions.

This page last updated 3/22/2013. Disclaimer.