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Environmental Health & Safety
Laboratory Safety

EHS Grant Sign-off Requirements

Notice to Principal Investigators:

US Army, Department of Defense, and Department of Energy grants require the completion and submission of an “Environmental Impact Questionnaire”. To ensure the University is complying with federal requirements, a signature is required showing compliance. The Director of Environmental Health and Safety will sign-off on grants utilizing hazardous agents provided the following actions have been completed:

  • The questionnaire provides sufficient information to identify the hazards that are anticipated and the precautions that will be taken to minimize these hazards.
  • A recent laboratory inspection was completed showing compliance with OSHA (health and safety) issues and USEPA (waste disposal) issues.
  • All those actively working in a laboratory and the PI are current with their laboratory safety training.

The EH&S Director will NOT sign off on your grant unless these three issues are complete. Allow sufficient time should you need to resolve any of these issues.

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail EH&S Questions.

This page last updated 11/6/2015. Disclaimer.