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Environmental Health & Safety

Laboratory Safety Unit

Laser Safety for Research and Teaching Laboratories

Printable file is available with Adobe Acrobat Reader:
PDF Version of Research Laser Safety Program

    1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): The establishment of written Standard Operating Procedures and their use, especially in locations where the laser operators may have limited experience, can greatly reduce hazards to those in the location and minimize exposures. SOPs and controls include:
      1. Designation of a laser control area for all Class 3B and 4 lasers by the LSO. In lieu of calculations, the entire room can be designated the laser control area.
      2. A laser control area having an accessible evacuation path for emergencies.
      3. Step by step instructions for startup, shutdown, emergency shutdown, and alignment.
      4. Specification for type of laser protective eyewear required including wavelength and OD.
      5. Steps to take after an incident or near miss.
      6. The use of partitions, curtains, beam stops or interlocks for separating one laser or laser system from others.
      7. A thorough discussion of alignment procedures and possible hazards before carrying out an actual laser alignment. When alignment is done, the required PPE shall be utilized. When needed, a temporary laser controlled area shall be established. Alignment must be done with a low power visible beam unless additional controls are in place to minimize exposure potential to the beam.
      8. Lasers shall be limited to the lowest output power needed for the demonstrations in classrooms or lecture halls. For Class 3B and 4 lasers, the written SOP shall specify the necessary controls required during the demonstration.
    2. Eye Protection: The manufacturer's laser manual states the level of eye protection needed to protect personnel when using a particular laser. The PI/Lab Supervisor, LSO or designated representative is responsible for determining/verifying the need for laser eye protection for a particular laser(s). When required, eye protection will be provided by the PI or Lab Supervisor for staff and visitors to wear in the laser control area. Contact the EH&S Laboratory Safety Unit for assistance in the appropriate selection.
    3. The minimum laser radiant energy or laser power level required for the application shall always be used.
    4. Beam Control: To minimize direct eye exposure, the following precautions are to be followed:
      1. Do not look directly into the laser beam or at a specular or diffuse reflection, regardless of its power.
      2. Terminate the beam at the end of its useful path.
      3. Locate the beam path at a point other than eye level when standing or when sitting at a desk.
      4. Minimize specular reflections. Watches and jewelry should be removed, or need to be covered by using gloves and long sleeves to cover reflective items. Use non-reflective tools in laser area.
      5. Securely mount the laser system on a stable platform to maintain the beam in a fixed position during operation and limit beam traverse during adjustments.
      6. Confine primary beams and dangerous reflections to a defined laser radiation area.
      7. Orient the laser so that the beam is not directed towards entry doors or aisles.
      8. Clearly identify beam paths and ensure that they do not cross "populated" areas or traffic areas.
      9. Enclose the beam path as much as feasible. When the beam path is not totally enclosed, locate the laser system so that the beam path will be outside the normal eye-level range. A beam path that exits from a controlled area shall be enclosed whenever the beam irradiance exceeds the MPE.
      10. Class 4 beam enclosures must be fabricated from fire-resistant materials.

Continue to the next section - Additional Controls for Class 2 Lasers

Contact EH&S at (585) 275-3241 or e-mail Questions.

This page last updated 7/11/2019. Disclaimer.