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Environmental Health & Safety

Respiratory Protection Program

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Fit Testing

In order to ensure that respiratory protective equipment provides a good fit, and therefore good protection without excessive leaks, employees must successfully complete a fit test before any tight fitting respiratory protection equipment can be used (except on a voluntary basis).  Employees shall be fit tested with the same model, size, and style of respirator that they will use, and shall be fitted at least annually.  Employees must be fit tested for each and every make and model of respirator they use. Employees shall also be fit tested whenever:

  • A different size, style, or model of respirator is to be used
  • There are changes in the employees physical condition that could affect the respirator seal (such as an obvious change in weight, facial scarring, dental changes, or surgeries involving the face and head)
  • The employee reports a change in the fit of his or her respirator

Employees shall not use any respirator for which they have not been medically cleared and trained, nor shall they use any tight fitting respirator unless they have been successfully fit tested.

Fit testing shall be performed using one of the following OHSA approved Qualitative or Quantitative methods href="

User Seal Checks

Employees who use a tight fitting respirator are required to perform a user seal check to ensure that an adequate seal is achieved each time the respirator is worn. The respirator user must check his or her seal by performing both positive and negative seal checks using the procedures in OSHA

User seal checks are not substitutes for qualitative or quantitative fit tests.If both positive and negative pressure seal checks cannot be successfully completed, the employee must not use that respirator

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This page last updated 2/3/2022. Disclaimer.